Monday, January 21, 2008

Learning to Blog

To those of you with new Google accounts, congratulations and thanks for your dedication! To Kelly and I Google is our best friend. To those of you not wanting to sign up, we have finally figured out a way around. There was a settings button that allowed us to change from Google account holders to anyone to comment. So to those people without Google accounts...Comment Away!


YourMother said...

Thanks for leaving an explanation how to comment on your page. For us newly addicted to this page lol, will make it alot easier to understand.

Looking forward to your next day adventure!

Love Mom (NH)

Anonymous said...

I have been checking up on you everyday!!! now that i am able to comment, i can let you know that! im glad to see you guys are having fun.... good luck and be careful out there... if you happen to make it to oregon make sure you give me a yell, i would love to see you guys! take care
